Overcome anxiety and depression for LGBTQIA+

With our self guided therapy programs created by LGBTQIA+ therapists and daily reflection journaling

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An image of the Kalda app with two screens visible. The first screen shows the dashboard of the app with video affirmations and daily reflection journals. The second screen shows Eli one of the kalda coaches and the course exploring gender identity.
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How it works

screenshots of courses within the kalda app.

Strengthen your mental health

Access video therapy sessions based on evidence based CBT, ACT, DBT, MBCT and neuroscience.
screenshot of journal reflections in the kalda app

Understand yourself deeper

Get to know yourself more with daily gratitude and reflection questions.
screenshot of meditations within the kalda app.

Feel present and calmer

Find present moment focus and ground yourself with our library of meditations.
An image of Rose, Nico, and Christina kalda coaches laughing together and posing for the camera.An image of destiny a kalda coach wearing a sequinned pink top and blue skirt.An image of Phillipe a kalda coach wearing a kimono and orange tank top.
Developed by LGBTQIA+ therapists
Kalda is developed for and by the LGBTQIA+ community, working in close collaboration with LGBTQIA+ therapists across a rainbow of diverse backgrounds. Our courses are informed by evidence based therapies, such as Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), Acceptance Commitment therapy (ACT), Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), and Mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT).

What's available

Image of Olivia wearing a rainbow crop top and blue jeans

Exploring your sexuality

Understand the tools and exercises to explore your own sexuality. Understand the difference between attraction vs. sexuality and explore asexuality, aromatic and more. Begin a process of coming out and acknowledging your feelings and identity.
An image of Bradley a kalda coach wearing a blue pressed shirt.

Embracing bisexuality

Why is bisexual erasure and biphobia experienced within the LGBTQIA+ community? Explore the internalised biphobia that exists and how to overcome it. Practice affirmative mindfulness and build connections to other bi folk.
An image of Eli a kalda coach wearing a grey stripped suit and white shirt.

Exploring your gender identity

Learn about society and it's perception of gender. Navigate through the pressure to conform and learn the tools to visualise and explore your gender, and explore the ways folk can begin socially transitioning.
An image of Eli a kalda coach wearing a pink Hawaiian shirt.

Embracing being non-binary

Explore the history of non-binary identities and the exercises to help you connect and explore your non-binary identity. Find ways of expressing yourself and building other non-binary connections.
An image of Eliza a kalda coach wearing a checkered shirt and a rolling stones t-shirt.

Managing gender dysphoria

Understand gender dysphoria and how to process and respond to your thoughts and feelings. Develop the tools to manage the feelings of gender dysphoria, where they come from and how to find strength in your identity.
Image of Spifey wearing a wooly blue jumper with a bear stitched on it and white sleeves.

Overcoming loneliness

Learn how loneliness can manifest and how to break out of negative thinking patterns. Begin a process of building self belief and self worth and understand your values and how to find new social connections.

What's coming up

Image of Kalda coach wearing pink jacket and blue shirt.

Overcome anxiety and reduce overthinking

Why do we experience higher levels of anxiety in the LGBTQIA+ community? Discover the cognitive techniques to challenge anxiety, develop self-compassion, reduce overthinking, and obsessive thoughts in order to step into your queer power.
Image of a Kalda coach wearing a checkered red jacket and red shirt.

Overcome depression and the critical voice

Why is depression so frequent in the LGBTQIA+ community? Discover the neuroscience behind depression and uncover how the critical voice exerts itself and prevents us from managing difficult thoughts. Explore the ways to support low moods and depression.
Image of a Kalda coach wearing a pink top, brown leather jacket and wearing pink hair.

Manage healthy relationships and boundaries

Learn how to have healthy relationships, whether romantic or with friends and family. Learn to create healthy boundaries, overcome the stress of hidden partners and explore open and poly relationships structures.
An image of a kalda coach wearing a blue and pink Hawaiian shirt with a rainbow coloured scarf.

Build self-esteem and affirm your identity

As LGBTQIA+ folk, we experience stigma about elements of our identity on a regular basis. Learn to manage external stigma and improve your self esteem and step into your true identity, and what it means to us in the queer community.
Image of kalda coach wearing orange ski jumper, a red shirt, and blue jeans.

Embrace self-love and reduce the fear of being judged

Is it difficult to talk positively to yourself as you would a friend? Explore the ways to build positive self talk, self-acceptance and reduce the social comparisons we face in the LGBTQIA+ community and reduce the fear of being judged.
An image of a Kalda coach wearing a pink shirt, orange leather jacket, and a large rainbow coloured scarf thrown over her neck.

Explore gender identity and sexuality

Explore the full spectrum of queer identities including sexuality and gender identity. Discover the experiences and challenges that arise when navigating our identities in the world we live in; and ways to build resilience to combat them.

What members are saying

“It was good it actually gives me hope for the future. The best I’ve felt about myself all week”


Kalda User

"Very nice and helpful. I felt less alone dealing with my sexuality"


Kalda User

“Soothing. Very happy I’ve found a safe space I can keep  to myself, I don’t feel safe expressing my gender identity around my family”


Kalda User

"Gentle, supportive"


Kalda User

"Wonderful, affirming, helpful, & validating :)"


Kalda User

No matter where you are on your journey